CNRL Storage Pond Pipeline / Black & McDonald In 2014, Pure Elements Environmental Solutions built a mile of 10” pipeline in 3 days at CNRL Horizon to discharge water from a storage pond on an emergency basis. In less than 7 days we qualified for Comply Works, obtained pre-site entry qualifications, coordinated worker drug and alcohol testing, packed rental equipment trailers, piping, valves and headed to site. Commended by CNRL Site Safety Superintendent for JHA submissions.
High River Flood During emergency flooding in 2013, Pure Elements volunteered 3 level II and III Operators to Town of High River for 3 weeks (June-July, 2013) to support water plant staff in bringing the water system back online. This included developing new Emergency Procedures for high strength chemicals, and plant process operations for filter rehabilitation. Re-establishing the water treatment facilities, meant both a change in chemical delivery type as well as volume, as the existing chemical system was unable to keep up. A process was developed for receiving, mixing and injecting the new chemical and projections were right on target. Procedures for multi-stage process to safely conduct manual filter air scour and backwash procedures succeeded in getting the plant back up and running quickly.
Cargill Emergency Assistance During emergency flooding in 2013, Pure Elements provided preliminary site guidance and coordination services with AEP compliance inspectors. The outcome was an interim approval issued overnight, on July 1, 2013, and a relaxation on type of piping required for the emergency process. This meant Cargill could startup interim water treatment immediately. These actions by our President allowed Cargill 10 extra days production time, and no requirement to build a new pipeline, resulting in excess of 1 million savings.